Tuesday, February 17, 2009

In the pouring rain at 7am on Sunday

I have taken down my art at Taqueria Pancho Villa. It came down sadly, at the end of it's term! I will, however, continue the term starting March 15th to May 17th at CafeTazo in the mission.
And just for your information, the Taqueria has a new ad on tv!
I do want to say, if you see the Taqueria's ad on local channels any time soon (because I just did), I recommend you take a closer look- I think, I can't tell you for sure, but I think there's a shot in their ad where you can see my art on their walls. So yeah, basically, I'm famous.
ah haha ahem.
One can hope can't they?

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

calling all book enthusiasts!

As you can see, Jason is riveted by his book, To Kill a Mockingbird.
Last Friday, we decided to play around with a mini-portrait photo studio set up in our apartment and take pictures of each other. While editing the photos (which are fuzzy, because we went to moylan's first = bad idea) I started to realize that taking portrait shots of friends, family and anyone else who wants to be involved- with their favorite book- would make a cohesively themed photo exhibit in the fairfax library.
I want to try it out, I can't say just yet whether I'm defintely going withteh idea, but I definitely want to try.
Which leads me to you!
If you want your pictures taken with your favorite book and you're a-okay with the idea of being framed and publicly posted on the wall of the Fairfax library for a month, then call/email/fax me and we'll plan a time for a shoot.
I was kidding about the fax. Don't try to fax me. They're for people who don't realize that emailing exist.
click click click!
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Monday, February 9, 2009

Art this Summer, in Fairfax

Yes, in Marin County! My First solo art show in Marin!
The subject of my art will be new and different from the current show in SF- what ends up on the walls will be a giant surprise, even to me! I'm considering either a portrait theme or a even more abstract than usual theme...but only time will tell!

the entire month of June, 2009

Fairfax Library
2097 Sir Francis Drake Blvd.
Fairfax, CA 94930

more news to come soon...

My Art in SF Continued...

Following the show at Pancho Villa's, I will be placing my art starting the 3rd Sunday of March until the 3rd Sunday of May- yes, folks, two solid months- at CafeTazo, only two doors down!

3087 16th St
(between Caledonia St & Valencia St)
San Francisco, CA 94103
(415) 522-0220

the same art work and show from Taqueria Pancho Villa- so if you haven't seen it yet, now's your chance!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

My Art in SF

A collection of my photos will be showing on the walls of:
3071 16th St
San Francisco, CA 94103

from January 18-February 18, 2009 and will move to a second location CAFETAZO soon after that.....

it will be my most recent work:
People you might know
landscapes you're familiar with
abstracts that will throw you for a loop!

each piece is only $85.

I hope you can come and enjoy my photos while gnos.ing on some kickass burritos!