Tuesday, March 10, 2009

French Cooking, it is!

My mother, Sally was having difficulty finding a favorite book. We discussed her options and tried a few shots with each book. I think this one might be a winner. I didn't want to post the competing book portraits at the risk of showing poorly-taken photos. Without seeing the other pictures, would you like to share any thoughts?
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Friday, March 6, 2009

Infatuated with a book? I want your photo!

And so it begins! Juliet Heller has taken the lead with Jane Austen's Persuasion. This is one of many great photos, as she is such a great model! I thought I'd share, as I have many more to go, and can't wait for this show to happen!
Thanks Juliet!
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Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Where will you be March 15th at 2pm?

Well I have a suggestion!
CafeTazo, in the Mission, in San Francisco.
Look below for the address info.
I will have an art opening reception for two hours!
Free wine and snacks
view my art, tell me what you think, and buy if you love it!
I'll see you there...