Tuesday, March 10, 2009

French Cooking, it is!

My mother, Sally was having difficulty finding a favorite book. We discussed her options and tried a few shots with each book. I think this one might be a winner. I didn't want to post the competing book portraits at the risk of showing poorly-taken photos. Without seeing the other pictures, would you like to share any thoughts?
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  1. awwwwwwwww. adorable!! i don't have pix w/ my fav book (the bell jar) but i should work on that! :)

  2. Hello...

    Ran into your work on the San Geronimo CC web oage, re: ad for your work being shown there. So I went online to see if I can find more photos, but it seems the most recent stuff here if from early
    2009. I guess I better go see your work at the SGVCC. Are there more works in other places online?

    Best regards
    Bill, in Woodacre
